breaking news: Lakers coach give a brutal message to…..

The Los Angeles Lakers, who have spent nearly the entire season playing close to.500, are apparently still a squad that one Western Conference executive seems afraid to play them in the playoffs.

As of Monday’s play, the Lakers had a 28-26 record and are ranked ninth in the conference. After 55 games, they were 25-30 last season, but they came back to qualify for the play-in round and eventually make it to the Western Conference Finals in 2023. The Denver Nuggets, who went on to win the NBA, swept them, but it was still an amazing journey from a subpar club to a conference semifinal.

There’s little reason to doubt the Lakers’ ability to win another championship, as LeBron James and Anthony Davis remain two of the finest players in the NBA. They proved they could compete when they emerged victorious from the first In-Season Tournament in December, winning the NBA Cup. James won the inaugural MVP award for the NBA in his twenty-first season.

They have also triumphed in four of the last five games, including thrilling away wins against the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics earlier this month. They defeated the New Orleans Pelicans 17 points ago, and going into their

They have also triumphed in four of the last five games, including thrilling away wins against the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics earlier this month. They will take on the lowly Detroit Pistons on Tuesday after defeating the New Orleans Pelicans by a score of 17 points.

Not everyone thinks the Lakers are serious contenders, even after their early-season and recent success. Kevin Garnett really declared lately that anyone who believes such is  delusional.

There’s little reason to doubt the Lakers’ ability to win another championship, as LeBron James and Anthony Davis remain two of the finest players in the NBA. They proved they could compete when they emerged victorious from the first In-Season Tournament in December, winning the NBA Cup. James won the inaugural MVP award for the NBA in his twenty-first season.

They have also triumphed in four of the last five games, including thrilling away wins against the New York Knicks and Boston Celtics earlier this month. They will take on the lowly Detroit Pistons on Tuesday after defeating the New Orleans Pelicans by a score of 17 points.

Not everyone is convinced despite that early-season and more recent success.


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